Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
1,263 lines
include hobbes.inc
include extrn.inc
Prefix MACRO
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push si
push di
Postfix MACRO
pop di
pop si
pop ds
mov sp,bp
pop bp
Public _MouseX, _MouseY, _MPresent, _MouseKey
Public _UserDefCurs1,_UserDefCurs2,_UserDefCurs3,_UserDefCurs4
public _MousePage_Offset
_MouseX dw (?)
_MouseY dw (?)
MHHot dw (?)
MVHot dw (?)
MMaskPtr dw (?)
MouseVisible dw (?)
_MPresent dw (?)
_MouseKey dw (?)
_MKP dw 0
oldinfopos dw (?)
_MousePage_Offset dw 0
inter_ok dw 0
savedbitmask db (?)
savedmapmask db (?)
top_clip dw (?)
left_clip dw (?)
bottom_clip dw (?)
_Mouse_Top dw (?)
_Mouse_Left dw (?)
_Mouse_Right dw (?)
_Mouse_Bottom dw (?)
StandardHHot db 0
StandardVHot db 0
StandardCurs db 00111111b
db 00011111b
db 00001111b
db 00011111b
db 00111011b
db 01110001b
db 11100000b
db 11000000b
UpArrowHHot db 3
UpArrowVHot db 0
UpArrowCurs db 00001000b
db 00011100b
db 00111110b
db 01111111b
db 00001000b
db 00001000b
db 00001000b
db 00001000b
LeftArrowHHot db 0
LeftArrowVHot db 3
LeftArrowCurs db 00001000b
db 00001100b
db 00001110b
db 11111111b
db 00001110b
db 00001100b
db 00001000b
db 00000000b
CheckMarkHHot db 2
CheckMarkVHot db 6
CheckMarkCurs db 00000000b
db 10000000b
db 11000000b
db 01100000b
db 00110011b
db 00011110b
db 00001100b
db 00000000b
PointHandHHot db 2
PointHandVHot db 0
PointHandCurs db 00001100b
db 00001100b
db 00001100b
db 10101100b
db 11111101b
db 11111111b
db 11111111b
db 01111110b
XHHot db 3
XVHot db 3
XCurs db 11000011b
db 01100110b
db 00111100b
db 00011000b
db 00111100b
db 01100110b
db 11000011b
db 00000000b
PlusHHot db 3
PlusVHot db 3
PlusCurs db 00011000b
db 00011000b
db 00011000b
db 11111111b
db 11111111b
db 00011000b
db 00011000b
db 00011000b
HourGlassHHot db 3
HourGlassVHot db 3
HourGlassCurs db 11111111b
db 01000010b
db 00100100b
db 00011000b
db 00011000b
db 00100100b
db 01011010b
db 11111111b
UserDef1HHot db 0
UserDef1VHot db 0
_UserDefCurs1 db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
UserDef2HHot db 0
UserDef2VHot db 0
_UserDefCurs2 db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
UserDef3HHot db 0
UserDef3VHot db 0
_UserDefCurs3 db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
UserDef4HHot db 0
UserDef4VHot db 0
_UserDefCurs4 db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db "Yffud Ekim"
Public _MouseInit
_MouseInit proc
ARG X:word,Y:word,Color:byte
; Prefix
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push di
push si
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,_Display_Offset
mov _MousePage_Offset,ax
xor ax,ax
mov [_mpresent],ax
mov [MouseVisible],ax
int 33h
cmp ax,0
je @@MouseNotInstalled
mov ax,000fh ; set mickey to pixel ratio
mov cx,8
mov dx,8
int 33h
mov ax,1
mov [_mpresent],ax
mov ax,0007h ; Set min/max x,y boundaries
xor cx,cx
mov dx,_Virtual_Width_Pix
int 33h
mov ax,0008h
xor cx,cx
mov dx,_Virtual_Height_Pix
int 33h
mov si,OFFSET MMaskPtr
mov ax,OFFSET StandardCurs ; set mask to mouse
mov ds:[si],ax
mov al,[StandardHHot]
xor ah,ah
mov [MHHot],ax
mov al,[StandardVHot]
xor ah,ah
mov [MVHot],ax
mov cx,[x] ; set mouse position
mov [_MouseX],cx
mov dx,[y]
mov [_MouseY],dx
mov ax,0004h
int 33h
mov ax,0a000h ; set the color of the mouse
mov es,ax
mov ax,0f00h + MAP_MASK
mov dx,SC_INDEX
out dx,ax
mov al,[color]
mov es:[di],al
mov ax,cs ; set up the interrupt vector
mov es,ax
mov dx,OFFSET _MouseCursorDisplay
mov ax,000ch
mov cx,00101011b
int 33h
jmp SHORT @@Postfix
xor ax,ax
pop si
pop di
pop ds
pop bp
_MouseInit endp
; void MouseUnInit(void);
Public _MouseUnInit
_MouseUnInit proc
; Prefix
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push di
push si
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
cmp [_mpresent],1
jne @@Postfix
mov ax,000ch
xor cx,cx
mov es,cx
xor dx,dx
int 33h
pop si
pop di
pop ds
pop bp
_MouseUnInit endp
; void MouseShowCursor(void);
Public _MouseShowCursor
_MouseShowCursor proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
xor ax,ax
mov [inter_ok],ax
cmp [MouseVisible],0
je @@NotTheEnd
jmp @@End
; Prefix
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push di
push si
; cld
; mov dx,GC_INDEX ;
; mov ax,00000h+BIT_MASK ;
; out dx,ax ;
; ;
; mov dx,SC_INDEX ;
; mov ax,0ff00h + MAP_MASK ;
; out dx,ax ;
; mov dx,GC_INDEX
; mov al,BIT_MASK
; out dx,al
; inc dx
; in al,dx
; mov [savedbitmask],al
; xor ax,ax
; out dx,al
; mov dx,SC_INDEX
; mov al,MAP_MASK
; out dx,al
; inc dx
; in al,dx
; mov [savedmapmask],al
; mov al,0ffh
; out dx,al
; mov ax,0A000h
; mov es,ax
; mov ax,0003h
; int 33h
;Save current background 3 bytes x 8 rows
; Now we need a save buffer pointer and a new mouse position pointer, thus
; we need the x and y coordinates as well.
;cx = horizontal pos
;dx = vertical pos
; push cx
; mov ax,SCREEN_WIDTH ;
; mov [_mousey],dx ; put vertical position in mousey
; mov bx,dx ;
; ;
; mov cx,8 ; cx = default lines to save
; mov dx,cx ; dx = 8
; add dx,bx ; + vpos
; sub dx,[MVHot] ; - vhot
; cmp dx,240 ; dx must = vpos + 8 - vhot
; jle @@Bottom_Not_Clipped ;
; mov cx,240 ;
; sub cx,bx ;
; add cx,[MVHot] ; cx is set here to the number of lines saved at the bottom of the screen
;@@Bottom_Not_Clipped: ;
; mov [_Mouse_Bottom],cx ; move to _Mouse_Bottom the number of lines to save on the bottom
; mov cx,8 ;
; sub bx,[MVHot] ; bx is still vpos
; js @@Above_The_Top ;
; jmp SHORT @@Not_Above_The_Top ;
;@@Above_The_Top: ;
; add cx,[_mousey] ;
; sub cx,[MVHot] ;
; xor bx,bx ;
;@@Not_Above_The_Top: ;
; mul bx ;
; mov [top_clip],cx ;
; pop si ; move horizontal pos to si
; mov [_mousex],si ;
; mov dx,3 ;
; sub si,[MHHot] ;
; js @@Off_The_Left ;
; jmp SHORT @@Not_Off_The_Left ;
;@@Off_The_Left: ;
; xor si,si ;
; mov cx,[MHHot] ;
; sub cx,[_mousex] ;
; shr cx,1 ;
; shr cx,1 ;
; inc cx ;
; sub dx,cx
; mov [_Mouse_Left],dx ; _Mouse_Left is equal to the number of bytes needed
; shr si,1
; shr si,1
; mov bx,80 ; save the number of bytes we can write at the right edge of
; sub bx,si ; the screen to account for clipping.
; mov bh,bl ; save it in bh.
; add si,ax
; add si,[_MousePage_Offset]
; mov [oldinfopos],si
; mov bx,[top_clip]
; cmp bx,[_Mouse_Bottom]
; jle @@Mouse_Row_Loop_Save
; mov bx,[_Mouse_Bottom]
; mov cx,[_Mouse_Left]
; rep movs BYTE PTR es:[di],BYTE PTR es:[si]
; add si,80
; sub si,[_Mouse_Left]
; dec bx
; jnz @@Mouse_Row_Loop_Save
inc [MouseVisible]
; mov dx,GC_INDEX
; mov al,BIT_MASK
; mov ah,[savedbitmask]
; out dx,ax
; mov dx,SC_INDEX
; mov al,MAP_MASK
; mov ah,[savedmapmask]
; out dx,ax
mov ax,2
mov [inter_ok],ax
mov ax,0003h
int 33h
xor ax,ax
; mov cx,[_mousex]
; mov dx,[_mousey]
call far ptr _MouseCursorDisplay
mov ax,1
mov [inter_ok],ax
pop si
pop di
pop ds
mov sp,bp
pop bp
_MouseShowCursor endp
; void MouseHideCursor(void);
Public _MouseHideCursor
_MouseHideCursor proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
xor ax,ax
mov [inter_ok],ax
cmp [MouseVisible],0
je @@End
; Prefix
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push di
push si
dec [MouseVisible]
; mov dx,GC_INDEX ;
; mov ax,00000h+BIT_MASK ;
; out dx,ax ;
; ;
; ;
; mov dx,SC_INDEX ;
; mov ax,0ff00h + MAP_MASK ;
; out dx,ax ;
mov dx,GC_INDEX
mov al,BIT_MASK
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
mov [savedbitmask],al
xor ax,ax
out dx,al
mov dx,SC_INDEX
mov al,MAP_MASK
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
mov [savedmapmask],al
mov al,0ffh
out dx,al
;Restore old background 3 bytes x 8 rows
; We need a pointer to the save buffer and a pointer to the current mouse
; position.
mov di,[oldinfopos]
mov ax,0A000h
mov es,ax
mov bx,[_Mouse_Top]
cmp bx,[_Mouse_Bottom]
jl @@Mouse_Row_Loop_Restore
mov bx,[_Mouse_Bottom]
mov cx,[_Mouse_Left]
rep movs BYTE PTR es:[di],BYTE PTR es:[si]
add di,_Virtual_Width_Addr
sub di,[_Mouse_Left]
dec bx
jnz @@Mouse_Row_Loop_Restore
; mov dx,GC_INDEX
; mov ax,0ff00h+BIT_MASK
; out dx,ax
mov dx,GC_INDEX
mov al,BIT_MASK
mov ah,[savedbitmask]
out dx,ax
mov dx,SC_INDEX
mov al,MAP_MASK
mov ah,[savedmapmask]
out dx,ax
mov ax,1
mov [inter_ok],ax
pop si
pop di
pop ds
mov sp,bp
pop bp
_MouseHideCursor endp
; void MouseCursorDisplay(void);
Public _MouseCursorDisplay
_MouseCursorDisplay proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
push es
push ds
mov bx,@data
mov ds,bx
and ax,00101010b
mov [_mousekey],ax
cmp [inter_ok],0
je @@Get_Outta_Here
cmp [MouseVisible],0
jne @@Prefix
pop ds
pop es
pop bp
ret ; <==== Note that you have a return here too.
mov [_MouseX],cx
mov [_MouseY],dx
; mov dx,GC_INDEX ;
; mov ax,00000h+BIT_MASK ;
; out dx,ax ;
mov dx,GC_INDEX
mov al,BIT_MASK
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
mov [savedbitmask],al
xor ax,ax
out dx,al
mov dx,SC_INDEX
mov al,MAP_MASK
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
mov [savedmapmask],al
mov al,0ffh
out dx,al
;Restore old background 3 bytes x 8 rows
; We need a pointer to the save buffer and a pointer to the current mouse
; position.
mov ax,0A000h
mov es,ax
cmp [inter_ok],2
je @@Save_Da_Background
mov di,[oldinfopos]
mov bx,[_Mouse_Top]
cmp bx,[_Mouse_Bottom]
jl @@Mouse_Row_Loop_Restore
mov bx,[_Mouse_Bottom]
mov cx,[_Mouse_Left]
rep movs BYTE PTR es:[di],BYTE PTR es:[si]
add di,_Virtual_Width_Addr
sub di,[_Mouse_Left]
dec bx
jnz @@Mouse_Row_Loop_Restore
;Save current background 3 bytes x 8 rows
; Now we need a save buffer pointer and a new mouse position pointer, thus
; we need the x and y coordinates as well.
mov ax,_Virtual_Width_Pix
mov bx,[_mousey]
mov cx,8
mov dx,cx
add dx,bx
sub dx,[MVHot]
cmp dx,_Virtual_Width_Pix
jle @@Bottom_Not_Clipped
mov cx,_Virtual_Width_Pix
sub cx,bx
add cx,[MVHot]
mov [_Mouse_Bottom],cx
mov cx,8
sub bx,[MVHot]
js @@Above_The_Top
jmp SHORT @@Not_Above_The_Top
add cx,[_mousey]
sub cx,[MVHot]
xor bx,bx
mul bx
mov [_Mouse_Top],cx
mov si,[_mousex]
mov dx,3
sub si,[MHHot]
js @@Off_The_Left
jmp SHORT @@Not_Off_The_Left
xor si,si
mov cx,[MHHot]
sub cx,[_mousex]
shr cx,1
shr cx,1
inc cx
sub dx,cx
mov [_Mouse_Left],dx ; _Mouse_Left is equal to the number of bytes needed
shr si,1
shr si,1
mov bx,_Virtual_Width_Addr ; save the number of bytes we can write at the right edge of
sub bx,si ; the screen to account for clipping.
mov bh,bl ; save it in bh.
add si,ax
add si,[_MousePage_Offset]
mov [oldinfopos],si
mov dx,si ; save the x,y position in order to draw the cursor
mov ax,[_Mouse_Top]
cmp ax,[_Mouse_Bottom]
jle @@Mouse_Row_Loop_Save
mov ax,[_Mouse_Bottom]
mov cx,[_Mouse_Left]
rep movs BYTE PTR es:[di],BYTE PTR es:[si]
add si,_Virtual_Width_Addr
sub si,[_Mouse_Left]
dec ax
jnz @@Mouse_Row_Loop_Save
;Draw that mouse cursor!
; Ah, here's where it gets good. We need the x,y coordinates, a pointer to
; the mouse color info, and a pointer to the mask info.
mov bp,[MMaskPtr] ; ax = mask manipulation
add bp,8 ; bx = bl = loop counter. bh = right edge bytes
mov cx,[_Mouse_Top] ; cx = cl = shift counter ch = save shift.
sub bp,cx
cmp cx,[_Mouse_Bottom]
jl @@No_Bottom_Clipping_Here
mov cx,[_Mouse_Bottom]
mov bl,cl ; set up the number of lines to draw according to _Mouse_Top.
; dx = needed for out instructions.
; di \__ Copy from display mem to display mem.
mov di,dx ; si /
mov si,MOUSE_SAVE_BUFFER - 4 ; bp = mask offset pointer.
; es = Display mem segment register
; ds = Mask display segment register.
; Always points to data segment?
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; Yup. Now it does.
mov al,MAP_MASK ;
out dx,al ;
inc dx
mov cx,[_mousex]
add cx,8
sub cx,[MHHot]
and cx,00000011b
mov ch,cl
mov cl,ch
mov al,ds:[bp]
inc bp
xor ah,ah
shl ax,cl
cmp [_Mouse_Left],3
jne @@Continue_1
out dx,al
movs BYTE PTR es:[di],BYTE PTR es:[si]
dec si
cmp bh,1
jne @@Continue_1
add di,79 ;*******************
jmp SHORT @@Skip_Here_For_Clipping_Right
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl
cmp [_Mouse_Left],2
jl @@Continue_2
out dx,al
movs BYTE PTR es:[di],BYTE PTR es:[si]
dec si
cmp bh,2
jne @@Continue_2
add di,78 ;*******************
jmp SHORT @@Skip_Here_For_Clipping_Right
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl
out dx,al
movs BYTE PTR es:[di],BYTE PTR es:[si]
dec si
add di,_Virtual_Width_Addr
sub di,[_Mouse_Left]
dec bl
jnz @@Draw_Cursor_Loop
mov al,0fh
out dx,al
; mov dx,GC_INDEX
; mov ax,0ff00h+BIT_MASK
; out dx,ax
mov dx,GC_INDEX
mov al,BIT_MASK
mov ah,[savedbitmask]
out dx,ax
mov dx,SC_INDEX
mov al,MAP_MASK
mov ah,[savedmapmask]
out dx,ax
pop ds
pop es
pop bp
_MouseCursorDisplay endp
; void MouseDelay(void);
difference DW 0
_MouseDelay proc
mov [cs:difference],THE_DELAY
push es
mov ax,0040h
mov es,ax
mov di,006Ch
mov ax,[word ptr es:di]
mov dx,[word ptr es:di]
sub dx,ax
cmp dx,[cs:difference] ; Mouse Delay
jl @@Da_Loop
pop es
_MouseDelay endp
; void SetMousePos(int x, int y);
public _SetMousePos
_SetMousePos proc
ARG x:word, y:word
mov ax,0004h
mov cx,[x]
mov dx,[y]
int 33h
_SetMousePos endp
; void SetMousePort(void);
public _SetMousePort
_SetMousePort proc
ARG x1:word, y1:word, x2:word, y2:word
mov ax,0007h
mov cx,x1
cmp cx,0
jge @@x1_ok
xor cx,cx
mov dx,x2
cmp dx,_Virtual_Width_Pix
jle @@x2_ok
mov dx,_Virtual_Width_Pix
int 33h
mov ax,0008h
mov cx,y1
cmp cx,0
jge @@y1_ok
xor cx,cx
mov dx,y2
cmp dx,_Virtual_Height_Pix
jle @@y2_ok
mov dx,_Virtual_Height_Pix
int 33h
_SetMousePort endp
; void MouseNonePressed(void);
public _MouseNonePressed
_MouseNonePressed proc
cmp _MKP,0
je @@First_Jump
call _mousedelay
xor ax,ax
mov [_MKP],ax
cmp [_mousekey],0
jne @@NOT
mov ax,1
mov _MKP,ax
jmp SHORT @@DaEnd
mov ax,0
_MouseNonePressed endp
; void _MouseLeftPressed(void);
public _MouseLeftPressed
_MouseLeftPressed proc
cmp _MKP,0
je @@First_Jump
call _MouseDelay
xor ax,ax
mov [_MKP],ax
cmp [_mousekey],2
jne @@NOT
mov ax,1
mov _MKP,ax
jmp SHORT @@DaEnd
mov ax,0
_MouseLeftPressed endp
; void MouseRightPressed(void);
public _MouseRightPressed
_MouseRightPressed proc
cmp _MKP,0
je @@First_Jump
call _mousedelay
xor ax,ax
mov [_MKP],ax
cmp [_mousekey],8
jne @@NOT
mov ax,1
mov _MKP,ax
jmp SHORT @@DaEnd
mov ax,0
_MouseRightPressed endp
; void MouseBothPressed(void);
public _MouseBothPressed
_MouseBothPressed proc
cmp _MKP,0
je @@First_Jump
call _mousedelay
xor ax,ax
mov [_MKP],ax
cmp [_mousekey],10
jne @@NOT
mov ax,1
mov _MKP,ax
jmp SHORT @@DaEnd
mov ax,0
_MouseBothPressed endp
; void MouseCenterPressed(void);
public _MouseCenterPressed
_MouseCenterPressed proc
cmp _MKP,0
je @@First_Jump
call _mousedelay
xor ax,ax
mov [_MKP],ax
cmp [_mousekey],32
jne @@NOT
mov ax,1
mov _MKP,ax
jmp SHORT @@DaEnd
mov ax,0
_MouseCenterPressed endp
; void MouseCenterLeftPressed(void);
public _MouseCenterLeftPressed
_MouseCenterLeftPressed proc
cmp _MKP,0
je @@First_Jump
call _mousedelay
xor ax,ax
mov [_MKP],ax
cmp [_mousekey],34
jne @@NOT
mov ax,1
mov _MKP,ax
jmp SHORT @@DaEnd
mov ax,0
_MouseCenterLeftPressed endp
; int MouseCenterRightPressed(void);
public _MouseCenterRightPressed
_MouseCenterRightPressed proc
cmp _MKP,0
je @@First_Jump
call _mousedelay
xor ax,ax
mov [_MKP],ax
cmp [_mousekey],40
jne @@NOT
mov ax,1
mov _MKP,ax
jmp SHORT @@DaEnd
mov ax,0
_MouseCenterRightPressed endp
; int MouseAllPressed(void);
public _MouseAllPressed
_MouseAllPressed proc
cmp _MKP,0
je @@First_Jump
call _mousedelay
xor ax,ax
mov [_MKP],ax
cmp [_mousekey],42
jne @@NOT
mov ax,1
mov _MKP,ax
jmp SHORT @@DaEnd
mov ax,0
_MouseAllPressed endp
; void MouseSetCursorShape(void);
Public _MouseSetCursorShape
_MouseSetCursorShape proc
ARG curstype:word
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push di
push si
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
call far ptr _MouseHideCursor
mov ax,[curstype]
mov dx,10
mul dx
mov bx,OFFSET StandardCurs
add ax,bx
mov di,ax
mov si,OFFSET MMaskPtr
mov ds:[si],ax
mov ax,SEG StandardCurs
mov es,ax
add di,8
mov al,es:[di]
xor ah,ah
mov [MHHot],ax
inc di
mov al,es:[di]
mov [MVHot],ax
call far ptr _MouseShowCursor
mov ax,01h
mov cx,[_mousex]
mov dx,[_mousey]
call far ptr _MouseCursorDisplay
pop si
pop di
pop ds
pop bp
_MouseSetCursorShape endp
; void MouseSetPage(VRAM_PTR mpageoffset);
Public _MouseSetPage
_MouseSetPage proc far
ARG mpageoffset:word
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,[mpageoffset]
mov [_MousePage_Offset],ax
pop ds
pop bp
_MouseSetPage endp
db "Mike Duffy's Xmouse Library. Version 1.2 Copyright 1992 Mike Duffy."